
TRIBUTE & memorial GIFTS


Tribute & MEMORIAL Gifts

Honor a friend or loved one through a special gift to California Botanic Garden.
California Botanic Garden offers a number of opportunities to honor someone special. Tribute and memorial gifts to the Garden can be arranged for any amount and provide important financial support for our mission. All gifts are fully tax deductible.

honor someone special

For assistance in making estate, memorial or tribute gifts, contact the Advancement Office at (909) 625-8767 ext. 221
CalBG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. You will be provided with a gift receipt confirming the value of your gift for tax purposes.


Names of tribute and memorial gift donors and honorees are listed in the Garden’s annual Honor Roll of Donors and published in the annual report. Gifts are acknowledged with a letter to the honoree or their family, without reference to the gift amount.

Dedication receptions are available to bench donors who would like to celebrate the bench installation with friends and family. Dedication receptions may be arranged through the Garden’s Facility Rentals Office at (909) 625-8767, ext. 289.

download the memorial & tribute gifts brochure

Estate Gifts

Some donors may wish to make a substantial contribution to the Garden through an estate gift. Garden staff will work with you to arrange a bequest, charitable trust, or other appropriate gift that meets a need at the Garden, while offering you the opportunity to honor a loved one. Endowments may be named in tribute to a special person.

Learn more about planned giving


(909) 625-8767, ext. 258