
field studies


field studies

We support conservation of California native plants through field-based projects and research undertaken by skilled staff botanists.
At CalBG, we participate in floristic inventories, monitor the status of rare plants, conduct invasive species management, and work closely with partnering institutions to develop species management guides and conservation strategies. Floristic-based research is core to our program because knowledge of the California flora is vital to ongoing conservation efforts. Staff work closely with a wide variety of agencies providing expertise on the California flora to inform conservation and assist in on-the-ground management.


botanical surveys

consultation & review of documents

floristic inventories

habitat & species distribution modeling

plant identification services

species management guides

Invasive Species Management

rare plant monitoring




Fraga, N.S. and D.S. Bell. (in prep). Vascular Flora of the Bighorn Mountain Wilderness.

Bell, D.S., N.S. Fraga, and S. DeGroot. 2016. Surveys for Astragalus tricarinatus (Fabaceae, Triple-ribbed milkvetch) in the Chuckwalla Mountains, Orocopia Mountains, and Santa Rosa Mountains Wilderness.

Fraga, N.S., T. La Doux, L. Prince, M. Harding, and J. Hoines. 2014. Conservation assessment for Parish’s daisy (Erigeron parishii, Asteraceae) in Joshua Tree National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/JOTR/NRR—2014/887. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado (link)

Fraga, N.S., T. La Doux, L. Prince, M. Harding, and J. Hoines. 2015. Conservation Assessment for Triple-ribbed Milkvetch (Astragalus tricarinatus, Fabaceae) in Joshua Tree National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/JOTR/NRR—2015/999. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado (link)

Soza, V.L., S.D. Boyd, L.J. Gross, and N.S. Fraga. 2013. Vascular Flora of the Verdugo Mountains and San Rafael Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Crossosoma 39: 1-140. (link)

Fraga N.S. and D.S. Bell. 2012. A new species of Linanthus (Polemoniaceae) from San Bernardino County, California, USA. Aliso 30: 97-102. (link)

Fraga N.S., L.J. Gross, E.A. Kempton, and D.S. Bell. 2012. Reappearance of the vanishing Buckwheat: A status review of Eriogonum evanidum (Polygonaceae). Madroño 59: 150-155. (link)

Fraga N.S., L.J. Gross, D.S. Bell, O. Mistretta, J. Wood & T.S. Stoughton. 2011. The Vascular Flora of the Upper Santa Ana River Watershed, San Bernardino Mountains, California. Crossosoma 37: 9-111. (link)

contact us

naomi fraga, phd

director of conservation programs

(909) 625-8767 x231