Habitat Gardening with California Native Plants




10 am - 11:30 am

The connection between native plants and local birds, butterflies, and other wildlife is fascinatingly beautiful and critically important. By focusing on key native plants, you can grow a garden that punches above its weight in supporting your local ecosystem.

Join Horticulturist Laura Christianson, as we discuss how to create a wildlife haven in your own backyard. We’ll cover the best keystone plants for wildlife habitat that can properly provide food, shelter, and places to raise young, as well as the dos and don’ts of bird feeding, native bee keeping, wildlife ponds and more. In addition, you’ll learn how to turn your yard or garden into a “Certified Wildlife Habitat,” through the National Wildlife Federation (It’s easier than you might think). If you’ve been dreaming of a pollinator paradise, we hope you’ll join us for this exciting conversation. Plan now to prepare for the fall planting season.


CalBG Members | $25

Public| $30

Register today as space is very limited.

Thank you to the City of Claremont for sponsoring this class and other Growing Waterwise at CalBG programming.

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