Hello California. We have some exciting news - we're becoming California Botanic Garden!
For nearly 100 years, we have been known as Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. We are proud to be the largest botanic garden devoted to California native plants and of our work to ensure a future where the plants that define our home are enjoyed by generations to come. In becoming California Botanic Garden, we honor and celebrate our legacy that began with the foresight and dedication of a visionary woman, Susanna Bixby Bryant, on a ranch in Santa Ana Canyon in 1927. Her dream to “bring together in a comparatively small area as complete a collection of the rich native California plants as can be grown… thereby promoting the general welfare of the people of the state..." becomes evermore a reality as we enter the next chapter as California Botanic Garden.
We are excited to enter the next chapter as California Botanic Garden as we work to further promote and celebrate the ecological value, horticultural beauty, and ethnobotanical legacy of California native plants.
The Rebranding Celebration, scheduled for March 28, has been postponed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We will reschedule in the coming weeks as we monitor the situation and follow guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Los Angeles County Health Department. Please check https://www.calbg.org/event/coronavirus-covid-19-updates for updates.