Fall Native Plant Care




9 am - 11:00 am

Autumn, with its shorter days and cooler evenings, is an exciting time of year for native plant enthusiasts and home growers. But what are you actually supposed to do to take care of your garden this time of year? Should you be planting? Pruning? Watering less or more? Help!

Don’t sweat it! Learn the answer to these questions and more with the guidance of Chip Grubbs, Senior Horticulturist at CalBG. This two hour walk, talk, and plant care demonstration will demystify the fall season so that you can care for your garden with confidence. This program will involve approximately 0.5 - 1 mile of walking at a moderate pace, as well as demonstrations of key work that goes on in an autumn garden.


$30 Public | $25 Members

Register today as space is very limited.

Thank you to the City of Claremont for sponsoring this class and other Growing Waterwise at CalBG programming.

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